1.8986 x 1027 kg

88,846 mi

Avg Distance from Sun:
483,500,000 mi

Time to spin on axis/A day is:
9.91 hours

Time to orbit Sun/A year is:
11.86 years

Number of moons:
  • It's the largest planet in the solar system.

  • Jupiter has the shortest day of all the planets in the solar system.

  • Jupiter actually has thin rings.

  • The stripes and swirls on Jupiter are actually cold, windy clouds of ammonia and water, floating in its atmosphere.

  • Jupiter's Great Red Spot is a storm twice the size of Earth.


  • Europa may have a salty ocean underneath its icy surface.

  • Its diameter is 1,940 miles.

  • Europa orbits Jupiter every 3.5 days.


  • Io is the most volcanically active body in the solar system.

  • Some eruptions on Io can be seen from large telescopes on Earth.

  • It takes Io 1.8 days to orbit Jupiter.


  • Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system.

  • It's the only moon with its own magnetic field.

  • Ganymede was discovered by Galileo in 1610.


  • Callisto's surface is the most heavily cratered in the solar system.

  • A salty ocean may be under Callisto's icy surface.

  • Callisto is the third largest moon in the solar system.