8.6810 x 1025 kg

31,763 mi

Avg Distance from Sun:
1.8 billion mi

Time to spin on axis/A day is:
17.23 hours

Time to orbit Sun/A year is:
84 years

Number of moons:
  • Uranus rotates on its side, unlike the other planets.

  • William Herschel discovered Uranus in 1781 with an early telescope.

  • Uranus has rings similar to Saturn.

  • Due to most of its mass being made up of water, methane and ammonia, Uranus is considered an "ice giant".

  • Uranus is nearly 4 times wider than Earth.


  • Umbriel orbits Uranus at the distance of about 165,000 miles

  • The bright spot on top of Umbriel is Wunda crater.

  • Voyager 2 was the last spacecraft to image Umbriel up close.


  • Its diameter is about 292 miles.

  • Miranda was discovered in 1948 by Gerard Kuiper.

  • Miranda has the highest known cliff in the solar system at 12.42 miles.


  • Ariel orbits Uranus at a distance of about 118,060 miles.

  • There is evidence of water ice on its surface.

  • Its the 4th largest of the Uranian moons.


  • Titania is the largest of Uranus's moons.

  • There is water ice and frozen carbon dioxide on its surface.

  • Titania orbits Uranus every 8.7 days.