6.4185 x 1023 kg

4,222 mi

Avg distance from Sun:
141,700,000 mi

Time to spin on axis/A day is:
24.61 hours

Time to orbit Sun/A year is:
687 days

Number of moons:
  • 4 rovers have landed on Mars with 3 more on the way in 2021.

  • Mars has the largest volcano in the Solar System; Olympus Mons.

  • There are dust storms that cover the whole planet.


  • Phobos orbits 3,700 miles from Mars.

  • Every 100 years Phobos gets closer to Mars by about 2 meters.

  • It's one of the least reflective bodies in the Solar System.


  • The Soviets sent two probes to Deimos.

  • Deimos is too small to have an atmosphere.

  • It takes Deimos about 30 hours to orbit around Mars.