10.243 x 1025 kg

30,779 mi

Avg Distance from Sun:
2.8 billion mi

Time to spin on axis/A day is:
16.12 hours

Time to orbit Sun/A year is:
164.08 years

Number of moons:
  • Like Uranus, Neptune is considered an "ice giant".

  • Winds on Neptune can reach up to 1,500 mph; the fastest detected in the solar system yet.

  • Neptune's atmosphere is made up mostly of methane, molecular hydrogen, and atomic helium.

  • Neptune has rings; two of which are fairly prominent.


  • Triton was discovered in 1846 by William Lassell.

  • Unlike other moons, Triton orbits Neptune the opposite direction of the planet's rotation.

  • Triton orbits Neptune with one side always facing the planet; similar to Earth's Moon.

  • Triton has a diameter of 1,680 miles.