5.6846 x 1026 kg

74,900 mi

Avg Distance from Sun:
888,750,000 mi

Time to spin on axis/A day is:
10.65 hours

Time to orbit Sun/A year is:
29 years

Number of moons:
  • Saturn's rings are made up of of ice, dust, and rock.

  • It's the second largest planet in the solar system.

  • Saturn is mostly made up of Hydrogen and Helium.

  • Saturn's rings are less than a kilometer thick.


  • Titan has liquid methane/ethane lakes on its surface.

  • Titan's radius is about 1,600 miles.

  • It takes titan about 16 days to orbit Saturn.

  • The ESA's Huygens probe sucessfully landed on Titan's surface on Jan. 14, 2005.


  • Jets of icy particles from vents that are connected to a subsurface ocean often shoot into space.

  • Enceladus is one of the most reflective bodies in the solar system.

  • It is named after a giant in Greek mythology.

  • The surface temperature is -300 degrees Fahrenheit.


  • Its diameter is roughly 660 miles.

  • Tethys's density is 0.97 times that of liquid water.

  • It take Tethys about 45 hours to orbit Saturn.


  • The biggest crater seen is called the Herschel Crater.

  • Mimas is often associated with the Death Star from "Star Wars" due to its resemblance.

  • Mimas was discovered in 1789 by astronomer William Herschel.